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by Jason Nicholas
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Our shower curtains are made from 100% polyester fabric and include 12 holes at the top of the curtain for simple hanging from your own shower curtain rings. The total dimensions of each shower curtain are 71" wide x 74" tall.
Design Details
Lighthouse Landing is a magical place where the coolest of creatures come to visit. This whimsical piece is a part of my continuing Lighthouse... more
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Lighthouse Landing is a magical place where the coolest of creatures come to visit. This whimsical piece is a part of my continuing Lighthouse Landing series.
Born with a pencil in my mouth, I have always been passionate about exploring my creativity (don't worry, the pencil wasn't sharpened). From my childhood architectural dreams to my heart-warming artwork and humor, I express my inner creativity by sharing the gift of my imagination. Some say I am a combination of Mike Brady and Bob Ross with a touch of Dr. Seuss (without the six kids, cool afro, nor Wocket in my pocket). I am the illustrator of such books as: The Magic Box: A Hypnotic Bedtime Story Welcome Home Sail Away Girl Cooks... A Little Bit For Now
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